“For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among you”

(Matthew 18:20 NIV)


Looking for a meaningful ministry to engage in with people who share your same beliefs?



Help plan and coordinate fellowship events which include concerts, talent shows, and Christmas caroling, group gatherings like baseball games and bus trips. Popular ones have been to the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, DC. and Sight & Sounds Theater in Lancaster, PA.

Other activities could include hiking, canoeing, and nature walks.

We would love to hear your input on new ideas! (Please Speak to a Vestry Member).

Meals Together

We like to gather to share meals together in Hubbard Hall for Barbecues, Dinner Parties with music, our Annual Meeting and International Sunday Luncheons or at the South Brunswick Senior Center for our annual International Food Festival where we have entertainment and share delicious dishes from all over the world.

Would you like to help plan these hospitality events, bring a dish to share or just join us! (See a Vestry Member)

Coffee Hour Host

Host our coffee hour after the 10:30 Sunday service (or after the 9:30 service during the summer).  Bring a half gallon of milk, make the coffee, prepare simple snacks and clean-up.

 Please sign-up on the bulletin board in Hubbard Hall.


Women’s Link

The Women’s Link group engages in conversations about their lives, health and wellbeing, and the planning of visits and care for members, exciting trips and fundraisers.

All women are invited to share their ideas so come and sit down with us!